Thursday, November 29, 2012

Are you frikkin serious?

Funny how some frikkin people have the frikkin stones to frikkin pretend to be something they frikkin aren't, when the frikkin people they have frikkin hurt the most can see clearly they are frikkin full of frikkin bovine frikkin scat...just frikkin sayin!!!


 (Still laughing at the audacity!)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

What I do...

I design fire sprinkler systems (when I'm not riding)...I've been doing this since's the most challenging job I have ever had. It's also the most technical. I don't know how I could have more fun while making a living...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

What am I thankful for this Thanksgiving?

In the past 12 months I have survived heartbreak, disappointment, physical illness, job change, residence relocation, financial hardship…my mental state has been challenged, and my patience bent to within a fraction of it’s breaking point. I’ve been lied to, teased, toyed with and screwed over. People have made promises to me and broken them. I have been cheated by a boss, and stolen from. I’ve lost friends, and gotten rid of some who claimed to be friends…

But this year there are many things for which I can be thankful.
I have great friends.
I have a wonderful family.
I have many options for the future, both personally and professionally.
I have discovered a couple of possibilities for travel…both nationally AND internationally!
I have new friends who are not only fun, but also beautiful.
I’ve developed and new hobby, and made even more friends with that.
My life is far from perfect…but I have never been happier or more thankful for the events of the past 12 months that have brought me to where I am today!

To all my friends and family, thank you and I love you.

The ones who caused my grief this year, yea, you know who you are…you can kiss my lily white! JUST SAYIN…

(it's clear and 42)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

New Ending

No one can go back and make a brand new start, but anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.