Thursday, January 28, 2010

Midnight Ramblings....

I spent a lot of time talking to friend girls today. Just chatting, and catching up. They all have a lot of things going on in their lives. Either moving to a far away place, or juggling time between kids and work, or recovering from a minor vehicle crash, or having having relationship problems with a husband or boyfriend.

It makes me stop and think...does it ever really work out like we thought? Is there REALLY a "happily ever after" like we read about in stories as kids? Will life on this big round ball of dirt ever slow down enough for us to just enjoy the company of another?

I like being able to just listen. I might not be able to actually help or offer advice...but sometimes I feel like just letting them talk, vent, rant or just cry seems to help them in the long run. I might not understand all they are going thru, but just the fact that I CAN listen makes me feel like I might have helped in some small way.

I love you all, in your own special strong, ladies...that's what makes you what you are...AWESOME!

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