Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I'm done...

It's been brought to my attention that many of my recent posts have been depressing and sad. That wasn't my intention. I was simply communicating with someone. But, as it turns out, this someone hasn't even been looking at what I post. So, I'm more.

I won't be posting songs or sayings or photos of sayings that are less than happy any more. Those of you who are my real friends, and who actually love me, actually do communicate with me in various ways. For this I am grateful.

From now on, I will be posting positive, happy thoughts, saying, pics and movies! I'm done being not happy!! I'm to the point where I am meeting some great people, and enjoying my new town and my new life!

It's time to be my normal happy self that you all love and enjoy!!


Anonymous said...

Thank God! Brad's back! Love you sweetie!

Unknown said...

Love you Brad, We all go through crap at times, it's all good. Just remember this when it's my turn. LOL :~)

Anonymous said...

Hello soon as my baby is fixed we shall go for another ride....have a great week