Thursday, January 3, 2013

Your loss...

Just gonna say it...and then I will never mention it again...

(I'm certain this will generate feedback in a couple different ways, but it has to be said...)

You say you haven't lied to anyone but yourself...I say "bullshit". By your actions, I am convinced that you only said things to me that you knew I would believe just so you could get what you wanted. "I promise..." obviously doesn't mean squat to you. "We'll remain friends and keep in touch..." Yea, I see how THATs workin out.
You could tell me grass is green and I would have to go look...I can see now, thanks to hindsight, that you are selfish, narcissistic, 'better-than-everybody', lie-cheat-steal to get what you want kind of person.
I can't believe I fell for your crap. One thing is for sure, you screwed over the best thing that you could have ever had on your life. The sad thing is that you know I'm right.
Try to call me now...text me...see what response you get. I hope you can live with yourself knowing that you caused so much grief and turmoil.
I am tired of wondering, hoping to hear, wishing things were different...wishing for just a short text...wondering if you are ok...
There will not be another chance. I am sick if pretending "one day" will ever arrive.
You will never truly know the impact you had on me and those who knew what almost was. I should have listened to the ones who warned me early on...

You have no idea how completely I gave myself to you. I was committed from that first day. You never really understood or believed me. It's obvious now that you never intended to follow through with anything you claimed you were going to do.
For the longest time I have held on to a sliver of hope...maybe, just maybe...but no more.
I'm done. There will be no more holding more more room for all the thoughts and emotions...your damn loss.
I would say it's been nice knowing you, but that is not how I feel. It sucks that I ever let you know me...then, or years ago...your damn loss...

It's time to find someone who will actually want to be with me...someone who will not lie, or make up stories, or just tell me something to make me smile but actually mean what they say...

Good bye...your damn loss...

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